Toolkit > How to run a campaign > Traditional Media > Local and grassroots channels


You do not necessarily need to be broadcast on a national TV or radio channel to be heard. On the contrary, sometimes your message might be more effective in reaching a smaller, select pool of viewers or listeners. Consider using local radio or TV channels which allow you to focus on the inhabitants’ main concerns associated with the local context. Alternatively, specialised channels or programmes allow you to tailor your communication to the audience you are addressing.

Engage with media

Carefully select the media you want to involve and try to engage with them at different levels, to ensure a successful outreach. Individual contact is an essential element.

A structured approach to identify and contact the correct media channels is provided in the manual WE CAN!, including a

checklist and templates to fill-in (pp. 145-146). Some useful indications are:

  • Identify the specific sections or shows your audience is interested in;
  • Compile a database of journalists;
  • Organise meetings or events with journalists around the topics of your campaign.

Communication of Local AuthoRities for INtegration in European Towns


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This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
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