In 2019, the Clarinet project carried out the European Award for Local Authorities’ Public Communication Campaigns on Migration and Integration with the aim of promoting and giving value to successful, impactful campaigns and communication activities carried out by, or on behalf of, local authorities, and which show how migration in Europe can benefit our societies.
The Award had three main categories:
- Web and Social Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly via online channels such as websites, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc.;
- Traditional Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly on television, radio, printed press, and through outdoor advertising;
- Public Events: communication campaigns and initiatives developed mainly through exhibitions, workshops, artistic or sport manifestations.
Candidates had to select just one category when applying for the Award.
Transversal campaigns – which use different channels – had to choose one category to apply to.
Here can be found the complete rules of the Award.
The CLARINET Award has been an extraordinary hive of ideas, bringing together 53 eligible communication campaigns led by, or on behalf of, public authorities which offer a positive storytelling of migration. All are detailed in this page, you can use the filters by country and category to narrow your search. You can also visualize the campaigns implemented all over Europe on our interactive map. All campaigns are also featured as examples in the Clarinet Toolkit.